Thursday, May 29, 2008

Obama aide blasted for gay Jesus video

An Obama advisor is in trouble for showing a humorous music video of a gay Jesus. A near-naked Jesus swishes down Hollywood Boulevard to the tune of “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor -- then gets hit by a bus in “Jesus Christ: The Musical.” I assume that Jesus rises again later. It’s one of the more popular videos available online. The video made me laugh when I first saw it a year ago, even though I’m a Christian. But conservative Christians such as Redstate are attacking Stanford University law professor Larry Lessig for showing the video at his lectures. Lessig is an advisor to presidential candidate Barack Obama. A lecture where Lessig shows the Jesus video to Google employees in 2006 is archived on YouTube. Lessig responds on his blog by explaining the context. He showed the video as an example of “remix” creativity and its legal ramifications. In this case, copyright holders threatened Javier Prato, who made the video.


  1. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I laughed, too--and felt so guilty about it!

    Oh well, it's too bad some Christians have lost their sense of humor.

  2. that was funny and i am not a christian.
