Wednesday, November 19, 2008

“No on Prop 8” protest video is most popular

My video “No on Prop 8 protest for gay marriage” was ranked of the most-viewed videos at YouTube in the “non-profits and activism” category on Nov. 17. It was about the 70th most popular video in that category overall and in Germany and Hong Kong. It’s also one of the most popular videos that has ever made, with 1,863 views and counting, plus many 5-star rankings. The video shows more than 500 people protesting the ban on same-sex marriage at the “Stop the H8” rally against Proposition 8, in front of City Hall in Pasadena, California, on Nov. 15. The Jesus in Love video channel produced four short videos of the protest, and this one is by far the most popular. I think that viewers like it because I walked all around the edge of the crowd while filming it, so it really captures the size and diversity of the group protesting for GLBTQ rights. Join the Impact has lots more info on the protests nationwide and the movement to promote love and equality.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Beautiful, all way 'round. I'm so grateful.
