Wednesday, July 01, 2009

British comic jests about gay Jesus

A comedian created “Was Jesus Gay?” as a comedy video, but most of it makes good sense to me as a lesbian Christian. The popular video was made by Pat Condell, an English comedian and outspoken atheist. His online video monologues of what he calls “godless comedy” have gotten more than 15 million hits. “Was Jesus Gay?” has nearly half a million views. I started watching Condell’s gay Jesus video without knowing that it was intended as comedy. I thought he was a serious church leader, and kept wondering, “Why haven’t I heard of this theologian before?!” The video begins with some well-deserved barbs against the Church for mistreating gays. Then Condell states, “I’ve heard it suggested from some people that Christians are so irrationally obsessed with this subject because deep down they’re terrified that Jesus himself might have been gay.” He talks about how Jesus spent the night with a naked youth in the Secret Gospel of Mark. He speculates about what John meant when he called himself “the one who Jesus especially loved.” He also discusses Jesus’ heterosexual marriage in some of the other Gnostic gospels. All these theories about Jesus’ relationships are common topics of serious study by queer scholars. My favorite part of the video is when Condell asks, “If somebody could prove historically beyond all doubt that Jesus was in fact homosexual, would Christians then reject Jesus or would they reject the evidence -- as usual?” Good question.


  1. This page contains many scriptural references and opinions on both side on whether Yeshua was gay:

  2. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Anyone know an agent or publisher who would be interested in my new novel on this subject? Dead Sea Scrolls, Jesus, homosexuality, same-sex marriage...all big book sellers these days. But the theme is what God repeatedly said in kairos moments: "Fear Not."

  3. I'm sure you've read "The Man Jesus Loved," by Theodore Jennings. Fascinating speculation and all scripturally grounded.

  4. Great topic and lovely blog! I have not have the chance to go through all your posts, but I'll definitely do it in the next few days. I have to go back and thank Yvonne ( for suggesting such a gem.

    Read you soon!

  5. Thank you for all the enthusiastic comments and resource recommendations! Hiram, your Religious Tolerance link was one of my first introductions to gay Jesus scholarship. Earthbound Spirit, the book you recommend is one of my favorites -- “The Man That Jesus Loved.”

    Anonymous, I wish you had left some contact info so I could answer you personally. Your novel sounds fascinating. My publisher, AndroGyne Press, would probably be interested. Their contact info is on their website:

    I might like to post an excerpt here at the Jesus in Love Blog. Please contact me if you’d like to share some of your work here.

    Magaly, welcome! I look forward to getting to know you better through the blogosphere.

  6. Pat Condell is always good for some chuckles, and what he says is always good sense, if a bit barbed. This was certainly one of his better "bits".

  7. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I just turned on this video, and it actually seemed like a serious commentary to me. I must admit, I am so sick of fundamentalist Christians and their anti-gay (they are obsesses with gay men and ignore lesbians), anti-feminist viewpoints that I love it when the Brit atheists take them to task.
    If you look at this video as serious commentary rather than comedy, it is very powerful indeed.
    Proof that you can never have enough lesbian and gay positives on the Internet.
