Sunday, December 06, 2009

First U.S. lesbian Episcopal bishop elected

Mary Glasspool (photo from ENS)
Great news this morning: “L.A. diocese elects first lesbian bishop” on the front page of the L.A. Times! Finally a reason to be proud that I live in Los Angeles. Bishop Mary Glasspool is the first lesbian Episcopal bishop in America! Here’s a link to the whole article -- it has a wonderful photo of Bishop Glasspool shouting for joy:,0,4273553.story The article says, “Glasspool is the first openly gay priest to be elected bishop since Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire in 2003.” Welcome to L.A., Bishop Glasspool!


  1. pennyjane12:38 PM

    God must have one amazing smile on His face right now.

    much love and hope. pj

  2. Anonymous2:05 PM

    This is amazing!!!
    Congrats Mary!!!

  3. No More Second Bests!!4:26 PM

    I just went into a shock of happiness this morning when I looked at the LA TIMES headline--lesbian...bishop! Not one but TWO count 'em TWO women selected for bishops in good old California. Guess we'll recover our honor as a ground breaking state once again, and what good news after the disaster of Prop 8. Now I'm hoping that a new lesbian bishop will have a huge service for all the lesbians in America, and at a big old Cathedral, and a fancy feast afterward, and lesbians at last can have a big old party, and have a service that is truly ours!

    We'll have other services for everyone later, but just once, I'd love to attend an all lesbian service led by a lesbian bishop, and have the readings be all about the women of the bible! THINK BIG!!!

  4. Turtle Woman4:28 PM

    We've sure come a long way since Carter Heyward! I sure hope Carter gets honored at a special mass too, as one of the pioneering lesbian priests in the Episcopal Church! Wow, a lesbian bishop!! Move over chess pieces, the lesbian bishop is coming on through!!

  5. Thanks for all the great comments. I'm glad that you all share my enthusiasm.

  6. Hooray! I remember getting really excited at the first woman Anglican priest, but a lesbian bishop - it is awesome :D

    (Have to say I am glad I belong to 2 religions that have had women doing ritual for a long time: Unitarianism since 1904, and Wicca since it was founded.)

    @turtle woman: oh yes, alternative chess pieces, what a great idea.
