Saturday, October 30, 2010

Artist makes waves with protest art for marriage equality

“The Wave” by Lucinda Naylor in collaboration with 2,000 households

An inclusive sculpture made from anti-gay DVDs was unveiled Friday in Minneapolis.

Artist Lucinda Naylor showed off “The Wave,” which she created out of 2,000 DVDs that were originally sent by the Catholic Church to oppose same-sex marriage.

Minnesota Archbishop John Nienstedt.sent 400,000 of the DVDs to Minnesota Catholics, urging them to seek a constitutional amendment against same-sex marriage. Naylor responded by asking people to give her their DVDs for recycling into art with an inclusive theme of hope.

Naylor’s project made waves in the church and led authorities to fire her from her job as artist-in-residence at the Basilica of Saint Mary in Minneapolis.

“The Wave is about the Spirit of inclusion and love, which is sweeping though the Catholic Church as it continues to change, as usual from the people up to the hierarchy,” Naylor says in the artist’s statement that she just posted on her DVD to Art Blog.

Let's ride the Wave to a world where everyone is free to love, including same-sex couples!

Related posts:
Artist turns anti-gay DVD into inclusive art

Inclusive Christmas tree: Anti-gay DVDs become ornaments

More info:
DVD to Art Facebook Group

DVD to Art Blog

Anti-gay DVDs were dyed blue and built into an inclusive “Wave” sculpture


  1. This is so, SO cool! I've been waiting to see what she'd do with it! I hope there are other views that show the rainbow reflections off the DVD's, also! Thanks for sharing it!

  2. Turtle Woman1:07 PM

    My favorite story of the year! This is beyond clever, it just takes all the power away from patriarchy and renders their tools into art!

  3. It just got even better! Lucinda Naylor added a “Wailing Wall Quilt” as a piece of “bonus art” to the Wave exhibit. It’s a made from the sleeves that the DVDs came in.

    She explains, “Inspired by the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, where people tuck their prayers on pieces of paper amid the chinks of the wall…I invited 22 women and girls to join me one Sunday afternoon to join me in sewing the sleeves together. People are invited to put their own thoughts and prayers into these pockets on the wall near the Wave. A photo on the DVD to Art Blog shows one note: “Change is coming.”

    It certainly is exciting to see the anti-gay DVDs united into a beautiful wave of love. There are a lot more photos at the DVD to Art Facebook Group . One of my favorites is a close-up of a DVD that came with a Post-It note saying, “Thank you for turning me into love!” You can also see what the original DVDs looked like: two hands (obviously male and female) touching with wedding rings. Lucinda dyed them transparent blue, so you can still see image in the finished Wave if you look closely.
