Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Feminism and Religion Blog features Kittredge Cherry on Mary's lesbian goddess roots

Logo for Feminism and Religion Blog

My reflection on Mary’s lesbian-goddess roots is the top story at the Feminism and Religion Blog today.

I’m honored be a guest blogger with the renowned theologians and scholars at the Feminism and Religion Blog, including Starhawk, Carol Christ, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Mary Hunt, and Zsuzsanna Budapest. They also feature lots of up-and-coming theologians.  Look for more of my work there in the future as part of a new arrangement to cross-post some of my writing from here at the Jesus in Love Blog.

The Feminism and Religion Blog describes its mission as “exploring the ‘F-word’ in religion and the intersection between scholarship, activism, and community.”

(The "F-word" they meant is feminism -- because many people who like feminist ideas avoid the label "feminist." It's become like a dirty word and many would rather be called "progressive" instead of "feminist.")

Check out their blog at:


It was launched earlier this year because “important work in women’s studies in religion continues as more attention is paid to the intersection between gender, race, culture, and sexual identity, within feminism and religion.”

They also ran my piece “Artemisia Gentileschi: Baroque artist and rape survivor painted strong Biblical women” recently. Here’s how they described me: “The following is a guest post written by Rev. Kittredge Cherry, lesbian Christian author and art historian who blogs about LGBT spirituality and the arts at the Jesus in Love Blog. Her books include Equal Rites and Art That Dares: Gay Jesus, Woman Christ, and More.”

My post today is titled Mary’s Feast Rooted in Lesbian Goddesses Diana and Artemis.

Special thanks to Xochitl Alvizo for introducing me to the Feminism and Religion blog! Xochitl is a feminist theologian who is completing her doctorate at Boston University School of Theology.


  1. How extremely delightful! I'm thrilled about this, and glad for the connection.

  2. Trudie, I especially wanted to introduce you to the Feminism and Religion Blog because of your passion for liberating women in religion.

    Someone left a comment there about my post with ideas that are in harmony with yours. Here's part of what she wrote: "I have seen the “virginity” of Mary- mother and wife- as a way of imposing control and weakness on a demonstrably strong woman, and you have subverted that. Thank you."

  3. Indeed, Kitt, I'm really delighted to have been introduced to the Feminism and Religion Blog, especially because I immediately noted that Starhawk was one of the contributors. Her "Fifth Sacred Thing" represented a quantum leap in my spiritual perception, which of course I enjoyed long before you published "Jesus in Love". I was absolutely delighted to discover that she is in the process of getting that book made into a movie. I followed the link from her article to her website, and have posted some of that information on my own Facebook page.
