Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Short List of NEW LGBT spirituality films and books

Here is a brief listing of new LGBT spirituality films and books. This is a new feature being tested here at the Jesus in Love Blog. Please leave a comment to say whether you like it -- or not. Note: This is a list of new releases, not a comprehensive list of all the best.

Black Battle, White Knight: The Authorized Biography of Malcolm Boyd” by Michael Battle. Profile of Malcolm Boyd, 88, gay Episcopal priest, author and civil rights activist, with a foreword by Nobel Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Author is a younger black heterosexual priest. From Seabury Books.

God vs. Gay?: The Religious Case for Equality” by Jay Michaelson.  Shows that the Hebrew Bible and New Testament do not forbid homosexuality. Author founded Nehirim, national provider of community programming for LGBT Jews and their allies. From Beacon Press. (Thanks to Amos Lassen for the tip.)

Collective Brightness: LGBTIQ Poets on Faith, Religion and Spirituality,” edited by Kevin Simmonds. Gathers more than 100 LGBTIQ poets from various faiths and spiritual traditions. From Sibling Rivalry Press. (Thanks to Philip F. Clark for the tip.)

Raw: A Poetic Journey: Finding a Way from Conflict to Revelation,” edited by Aimee Maude Sims. Raw emotions and raw faith collide in poetry by LGBT believers and friends. Foreword by Grammy nominee Jennifer Knapp. From NuWine Press.

The Seminarian,” directed by Joshua Lim. A closeted gay seminarian’s troubled relationship leads him to question God. The director was born in Malaysia and has a master’s degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. (Thanks to Amos Lassen for the tip.)
Was this Short List useful? Let me know by leaving a comment. Your input will help decide whether to post more lists like this in the future.

Image credit: Books Sketch by Ardent Photography


  1. What a cool resource. Thanks Kitt!

  2. I like it! Great idea.

  3. CJ Barker11:18 PM

    Excellent idea, Kitt. This site is a resource on so many levels.... and you've just come up with another one! Depending on how much effort it takes, please do keep it up.

  4. I think it's a very helpful resource.

  5. I have a new novel, Angel, that deals with lgbt spirituality. It is coming out on 9/27/11. It is listed on Goodreads but not yet in any of the online book seller sites.

    Excuse me if this comes across as a commercial, just hoping your readers might like it.

  6. Thanks for all the comments here and my Facebook page. I got quite a few positive comments about posting a list of LGBT books, so am encouraged to continue this service.

    Laura Lee, I took a quick look at your book on Goodreads and will try to follow up later so I can include it on a future list. That reminds me, I want to join Goodreads myself.

  7. Kitt!

    Thanks so much for mentioning RAW: A Poetic Journey - Finding a Way from Conflict to Revelation . I hope your readers find the book as inspirational as so many others have so far!
