Thursday, November 17, 2011

Happy 6th birthday to Jesus in Love!

Today Jesus In Love celebrates six years of supporting LGBT spirituality and the arts. Jesus In Love promotes artistic and religious freedom and teaches love for all people, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or religious faith.

Christian rhetoric is often misused to justify hate and discrimination against LGBT people, so I founded Jesus In Love to present a positive spiritual vision for queer people and our allies. was launched on Nov. 17, 2005 with a news release titled “New Website Dares to Show Gay Jesus.” Since then it has grown to serve more people in more ways.

Traffic at our blog is up 60 percent this year, with 48,000 visits and 91,000 page views. Subscriptions to our free e-newsletter grew even faster and we recently surpassed 700 subscribers. Our content has also expanded beyond the original emphasis on the queer Christ, and now includes a wider variety of artists, holidays and our popular LGBT saints series.

We have won many honors -- and we also get a lot of hate mail from conservative Christians. A typical negative comment is, “Gays are not wanted in the kingdom of Christ! They are cast into the lake of fire.”

The ongoing religious bigotry proves that Jesus In Love is needed now as much as ever. Readers call it “the most radically progressive and life affirming Christian LGBT site on the Internet” and “one of the most refreshing voices I currently encounter online.”

Thank you for your support over the years. I look forward to another year of bringing joy and justice to LGBT people of faith and our supporters.

Image credit: Birthday cake from


  1. Amazing! Has it really been six years? What a blessing you have been and continue to be!
