Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Jesus in Love Blog hits Kindle e-book reader

This month the Jesus in Love Blog became one of the first LGBT religion / spirituality blogs available on the Kindle e-book reader.

Subscribe at this link and the blog will be auto-delivered wirelessly to your Kindle e-reader and updated throughout the day.

Even if you don’t have a Kindle, please click here to visit Kindle’s Jesus in Love Blog page and write a review of our blog. You will help new people find LGBT-friendly inspiration through Jesus in Love.

I’m excited to announce that I’m blogging on Kindle now because I believe that digital e-readers are the wave of the future. Someday I predict that almost all books, blogs and other periodicals will be delivered and read on portable electronic devices.

I myself haven’t moved into that paperless future yet because I don’t have a Kindle. But the price recently dropped to $79, so I added Kindle to my wish list.

I hope that a Jesus in Love supporter will give me a Kindle this holiday season. It will enable me to do a better job of promoting LGBT spirituality and the arts for future readers. Click here for my Amazon.com wish list with easy info on how to send it to me. You can get one for yourself too!

All Kindle blog subscriptions start with a 14-day free trial. The monthly price is 99 cents, of which I will receive 29 cents. You can cancel at any time during your 14-day free trial, and you will not be charged. Here’s how Kindle describes this blog:

The Jesus in Love Blog covers LGBT spirituality and the arts. It promotes artistic and religious freedom and teaches love for all people, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or religious faith. The blog provides timely info and commentary on gay Jesus art and books, queer saints, controversial artists, holidays and other spiritual topics of interest to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people and our allies. Readers call it “one of the most refreshing voices I currently encounter online” and “the most radically progressive and life affirming Christian LGBT site on the Internet.”

The Jesus in Love Blog is written by lesbian Christian author Kittredge Cherry. She was ordained by Metropolitan Community Churches and served as its National Ecumenical Officer. Her books include “Equal Rites” and Lambda Literary Award finalist “Art That Dares: Gay Jesus, Woman Christ, and More.” The New York Times Book Review praised her “very graceful, erudite” writing style.


  1. Here is my review:

    I am not a follower of a great many blogs, many of which seem to be largely devoted to the personal opinions of the bloggers. The Jesus in Love Blog is entirely different. It combines timely information, wonderful artwork, important political updates of specific concern to the GLBT community, and most significantly, uplifting spiritual insights.

    Of special value, in my opinion, has been her fascinating series on "Saints". These have included actually canonized saints acknowledged by the Catholic Church, such as Sergius and Bacchus, who were unquestionably gay lovers, as well as others, such as Joan of Arc, who was obviously what we would recognize today as a transvestite -- a woman who wore men's clothing and took a male role in her life. This series has been meticulously researched and includes exceptional illustrations from the work of famous iconographers.

    The blog also includes wonderful memorial tributes, such as that to the theologian and author Rev. Peter Gomes, as well as to Matthew Shepard and others who's lives have been lost due to brutality generated by homophobic bullying and gay bashing.

    As if all this wasn't enough, Kitt also continues to provide exceptional presentation of contemporary theological investigation into the overlap of spirituality and eroticism, as well as book reviews and interviews of GLBT authors, such as her recent exceptional conversation with Paul Hartman, author of "The Kairos". Just as an aside, I purchased this book recently from Amazon due to the recommendation on this blog. It is about the fifth or sixth such purchase I've made as a result of seeing them featured on Jesus in Love.

  2. Many thanks, Trudie, for your wonderful review of this blog. I’m also amazed at how quickly you wrote it! I am honored by your complimentary assessment of my work at Jesus in Love. You summed up the purposes and achievements of the Jesus in Love Blog well.

    I don’t see your review on the Amazon Kindle page yet. I understand that you ran into some computer glitches while trying to post it there. Well, you are certainly more familiar than I am with the Amazon review process, so I’ll rely on your expertise and wait to see if it shows up soon.

    I share your attachment to “real” books made of paper -- and I’m not getting rid of those. But after years of resistance I understand that Kindle, iPad, tablets etc are becoming more common and have some advantages, being lightweight and (for some books) low cost. It seems like a way to reach more young people.

    I’m hoping that the e-reader technology will provide publishers with some of the income they lost when the Internet made all content free. I used to be a newspaper reporter and it’s very sad to see all US newspapers laying off their journalists because of this trend. I’m watching with interest as the New York Times experiments with subscriptions to Kindle-type e-readers.

  3. An interesting discussion of the morality of Kindle and its technical glitches is underway on my Facebook page.
