Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas from the Jesus in Love Blog!

Merry Christmas!

Kittredge Cherry
Jesus in Love

(That's me on the right at age 4 in 1962, putting zoo animals into a Nativity scene in Iowa City. More info)

The gorgeous poinsettia in the photo was growing in the yard near my home.

Click the headlines below to enjoy more queer cheer and Christmas highlights from the Jesus in Love Blog.

Queer Nativity scenes show LGBT love

Seven people from 3 countries sent images for the 2011 Queer Nativity project at the Jesus in Love Blog. They present Christ's birth in an amazing variety of liberating, loving new ways.

Good (gay?) King Wenceslas 

There’s good reason to believe that Good King Wenceslas was gay. Yes, the king in the Christmas carol. Many details in the carol are pious fiction, but historical research documents the love between the king and his page Podiven. More info

Lesbian couple portrays Madonna (Photo by Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin)

The Madonna and her female lover are portrayed by a real lesbian couple, seven months’ pregnant through artificial insemination in “Annunciation” by Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin.

Lesbian Madonna, lover and son affirm Christmas (Painting by Becki Jayne Harrelson)

Two lesbian mothers cuddle the Christ child in “Madonna, Lover and Son” by Becki Jayne Harrelson.

Transwoman Jesus tells Christmas story

Jesus’ angelic birth highlights the holiness of EVERY birth in the following scene from the controversial new play “Jesus, Queen of Heaven” by transsexual Jo Clfford.

Conservatives blast inclusive Christmas card

Conservatives attack an Episcopal bishop’s gender-bending Christmas card because it shows a multi-racial trio of female Magi visiting the baby Jesus and his mother (“Epiphany” by Janet McKenzie).

Inclusive Christmas tree: Anti-gay DVDs become ornaments

DVDs against same-sex marriage are being recycled now as decorations for the inclusive Christmas tree of Minnesota artist Lucinda Naylor.

Can you imagine? A gay Nativity scene

Video and commentary on Amsterdam’s gay Nativity scene with live actors

Gay and lesbian nativity scenes show love makes a family
What if the child of God was born to a lesbian or gay couple? Because, after all, LOVE makes a family, including the Holy Family.

Animals symbolize peace at Christmas, so the Jesus in Love Blog gladly dedicates a special post to animals.

Alternative Christmas art shown
Nine artists mix Christmas imagery with a progressive vision of GLBT rights, racial and gender justice, and a world without war, poverty or pollution

Christmas offering: Give to Jesus In Love Blog
The Jesus in Love Blog is collecting a Christmas offering to support LGBT spirituality and the arts. Your $10 gift pays for 100 visits to our blog and lets one person get our newsletter for a year.

May God be born anew
in unlikely places
this holiday season!


  1. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Its most definitely likely that David and Jonathan were lovers... Although their relationship would be nothing like what we think of today, when we think of a same sex couple, particularly male/male.

    For starters men didn't marry each other in ancient times, but they did form covenants or "agreements"- today it would be considered a civil union. There was no gender roles, as it was seen as unfavorable for a man to behave like a woman in any kind of way, even if he was in love with a man.

    When things got intimate aka "sexy time" lol, there was absolutely positively no penetrative sex. If two men loved and respected each other fully, they did not let their lover, nor themselves take on the role of a female- and be penetrated.

  2. I agree that the love between David and Jonathan was not like what we think of today as a gay couple. But I understand that some men in ancient times did play roles, with the younger man in the "female" role. This may have have been the case with David and Jonathan since they were close in age.
