Monday, January 25, 2016

Welcome: Jesus in Love Blog has a new look

Welcome to the new look of the Jesus in Love Blog.

The blog is now upgraded to a cool new “template” that should make it more accessible to readers who use mobile devices. It’s also wider to fit today’s most common computer screens.

The new template uses purple and lavender, colors that are often associated with LGBTQ people.

Please let me know what you think about the new format.

Here is a screen shot of the old look so you can see the difference.


  1. I like the old look though :)
    Anyway - it is still nice!

  2. Yes, Tricia, I also miss the old look, and I'm still tweaking the template to make it look better. However this new format definitely works better on mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets -- and that is the trend for the future.

    The goal of this blog is to bring the message of God's all-inclusive love to the people, wherever they are. Now that more people are using handheld computers, the blog must go mobile.
