23. The Holy Spirit Arrives (from The Passion of Christ: A Gay Vision) by Douglas Blanchard
“I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and the young shall see visions, and the old shall dream dreams.” -- Acts 2:17
Jesus promised his friends that the Holy Spirit would come. They were all together in the city on Pentecost when suddenly they heard a strong windstorm blowing in the sky. Tongues of fire appeared and separated to land on each one of them. Jesus’ friends were flaming, on fire with the Holy Spirit! Soon the Spirit led them to speak in other languages. All the excitement drew a big crowd. Good people from every race and nation came from all over the city. They brought their beautiful selves like the colors of the rainbow, and each one was able to hear them talking about God in his or her own language. The story of Jesus has been translated into many, many languages. Now the Gospel is also available with an LGBT accent.
Come, Holy Spirit, and inflame me with your love.
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Pentecost: Holy Spirit brings LGBTQ visions
Bible background
Acts 2: Pentecost
Next: 24. The Trinity
This is part of a series based on “The Passion of Christ: A Gay Vision,” a set of 24 paintings by Douglas Blanchard, with text by Kittredge Cherry.
Click to go to the beginning
or view the whole series.
Scripture quotation is from the Inclusive Language Lectionary
It is important to be ever mindful of the continuing work of the Holy Spirit, guiding us and the Church away from the paths of error.
I am amazed at the extent of the changes that have already taken place in the churches over the past ten years, from the ordination of openly gay bishops, through decisions by leading denominations to admit openly gay and partnered LGBT clergy,to same sex weddings in church, and the growing acceptance of gay and lesbian theology as a respectable academic discipline.
The churches may have lost the plot over the twentieth century, replacing the Gospel message with one of hate, but the Spirit can not. Instead, she is directing us back onto the right path.
Let us give thanks to the Holy Spirit for this Kairos moment of LGBT inclusion.
Thanks be to God for the movement of the Holy Spirit in opening churches to LGBT people! And thank you, Terry, for calling our attention to this aspect of the Holy Spirit.
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